
Committing Your Organization to Innovation

Written by Brad Mishlove | Aug 25, 2014 12:00:00 AM

As a CEO advisory firm, we see firsthand the impact that pressure and overwork can have on business leaders. The unpredictable economy, the frantic pace of business and the thrills of managing employee issues can stifle even the most enthusiastic business owner. Many leaders have never worked so hard for so little – and are simply burned out.

Putting the passion and the fun back into the job requires that we make a few changes, both in thinking and behavior:

Reconnect with Your Vision

What is it we ultimately seek from our business? What is it that we love most about our work? What is the greater good we serve for our employees, our clients, our community?  We need to center our thinking around these things so that we have the energy and inspiration to attack each day with a little gusto.

Delegate Responsibilities

Once we identify those areas of the business that we love most, we must delegate some of the things we love least. With some discipline and creativity, any business leader can find people in their organization who can be trained and developed to take on those functions which are not your highest and best use as a CEO. Even if you can delegate a mere 10 hours of work per week, you just freed 20% of your time to work on, not just in the business.

Energize Your Team

Use this process to engage and energize your team. Don’t cop out and say your people are already too busy. Nothing increases employee productivity and engagement more than empowering people to take on meaningful and rewarding work that impacts company success.  Create a work environment that makes employees feel and perform like partners in the business.

The best way to re-energize yourself and your company is to stop reacting and start leading again.

Doug Beckley holds the position of Group Leader with Catapult Groups, mentoring and coaching CEOs, business owners, and entrepreneurs as part of his peer advisory group in Las Vegas. Mr. Beckley works with his members to explore growth opportunities, set attainable objectives, and develop strategies that help them grow their business. Hear what motivated him to become a Group Leader or call 855-752-8624 to schedule a consultation.